What a Christmas! It was so wonderful. I cannot believe how much the kids got into everything this year. They were so excited and had so much fun. Of course we are all exhausted. I thought I would post a few pictures. I will put up more later. I am one tired Santa!
The boys were so happy to help Tom clean up all of our broken trees. What a mess we have around here. Luckily we have power back after 2 days. So much of our area still has no power. I don't know what everyone did without TV, gamecubes and DVD's!!!!
Carleigh is so funny with the camera now. Everytime I get it out she starts saying "Cheese". She wants her picture taken all of the time.... I think she might know how cute she is.
Carleigh loves the phone and always has to talk on it. Here she is talking to her Aunt Rae. She just carries on her on conversation and thinks she is so funny. Of course we have no idea what she is saying unless she is yelling into the phone "MeMe"!
Hunter and his cousin Riley had their first basketball game yesterday. Tom is the coach so it was pretty cute. They actually did very good for their first game. It is just so funny to watch all those little ones out there with no clue of what they are really doing.
The boys wanted their picture taken in front of the tree tonight...of course in their pj's. I got a great chance to see what fun it is going to be to do Christmas cards this year. There may not be a picture unless they are all 3 seperate! Smile... hit... scream....smile! The wonderful world of brothers!
Carleigh really enjoyed the tree decorating this year. Of course with 3 kids decorating it you should have seen what it looked like! Needless to say Mom and Dad had to do a little rearranging.
Carleigh is starting to turn into a real Daddy's Girl! When he is home she stays wrapped around him.... and she has him wrapped around her little finger.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Chase had to have his picture made in the leaves also...although his posing was very different. He still looked cute.
Carleigh tries her hardest to keep up with her brothers. Her new thing is running to the road when they ride their bikes. I think I am going to have to put a big gate in front of our driveway.
My baby has now started riding without training wheels. It took him a whole day and he was off. Now he really thinks he is big stuff....little does he know he is still my baby.
I have no idea. All I know is the neighborhood gang was over today and we are minus a gutter now! They all blamed on Chase at first....of course but then they blamed it on eachother. It was pretty funny to walk out and see 5 little boys holding our gutter in the hands!!!!
Chase was being so quiet and good this morning and I thought that he was watching Tv in his room but he wasn't. He got scissors and helped himself to half the bag of Halloween candy! Talking about a stomach ache this afternoon. It made me sick to look at it!
I was so terrible with picutres last night...sorry. I was too busy being the wicked witch and didn't take enough. We had a great time though. We had about 12 kids all together and it was pretty hectic. Carleigh was a lady bug during the day and a princess by night and Chase was a policeman for the day and batman by night..don't ask. Hunter was a nija. I was also dressed from head to toe in my witch attire but I don't even have a picutre of it. All in all lots of fun... too much candy... and one tired witch!!
The costume didn't fit Carleigh so Chase decided that he may be a flower....I DON"T THINK SO!! Anyway, he thought he was so funny putting on the flower costume. Believe me that is not what he is going to be tomorrow night!
The boys loved carving their pumpkins today! What a chore. I couldn't believe they actually stuck their little hands in there! Carleigh could have cared a less about it.... she just played and every once in a while checked us out.