Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Amazing picture

I had to share this with everyone. This is a deer camera that Tom has in the woods and it just happened to get such an amazing picture of a doe with her fawn. I just loved it. Maybe it is my mother instinct but I thought is just great.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

We lost our first tooth!!

Well Hunter lost his first tooth yesterday at school. I tried to get him to pull it that morning because I knew it was coming out but he wouldn't.. so he got to school and it came out. He was very excited. The tooth has been hanging for about a week so finally! Now if they tooth fairy gets the going rate my child thinks I will be broke after all of these teeth coming out!!!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

First day of School

Today was Chase and Carleigh's first day of school. I still cannot believe that Carleigh is old enough to go. She started K2 and Chase is in K4. I am not having an easy time with this. Of course they loved it epecially when they told Carleigh she got to play on the playground. I think they were still very happy to see me.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Mr. Bullfroggy!

I had to laugh today to find the boys outstide with a complete obstacle course for the bullfrog they found. They love bullfrogs and now that we have them here they are constantly catching them... especially Chase. They fill the sand box with dirt and water and whatever else they could find. The baseball helmet was the bullfrogs house! Poor bullfrog. All was good until Chase decided to hold the bullfrog by his "leggies" and then Mr Bullfroggy was no more!

Saturday, September 02, 2006

What Cuties!

I just had to share this picture because I thought it was so cute. Too bad I didn't take it...Hunter did. I guess we have another photographer in the family!

A Mud Bath

As you can see the boys absolutely love the creek and Chase cannot seem to stay out of it. When their cousin Riley came over to check it out he and Chase decided to take a "Mud bath".. needless to say we never thought we would get them clean but they had fun so that is what matters.

The Boys are loving it!

They boys are loving the new house and all they have to do here. They especially love that they have so many places to ride their four wheeler including a nature trail, fields and ALOT OF DIRT!! They are so happy and I have to admit so am I.