Carleigh had her first haircut today and she did great. She was the only one of my three that actually sat in the chair by herself.... she is also the only that had hair at a year old!
Hunter did great at his first day of "big boy school"! He loved it and cannot wait until tomorrow. We will see how long that last. I didn't do as well. He had to tell me to leave and then I cried all the way to the car and back home. I cannot believe he is big enough for school. They grow too fast!
Hunter went to meet his teacher tonight and loved everything about starting kindergarten....especially since his cousin Riley will be in the same school. I think he will be fine Monday but I don't know about me! I am having a hard time sending my baby to "Big Boy School" !
Carleigh loves Lacy.I don't know what they were looking at but they looked too cute checking it out together. This is the closest Carleigh will have to a sister!!!
Carleigh loves her babies and posing for picutres. For those of you who thought she would be a "Tomboy", not a chance. She is all girl from head to toe!!!
We are trying to go to lake as much as possible now since the summer is almost over. The boys are fearless of the water and love the lake so much. Today we acutally got a nice relaxing day without chasing Carleigh...she stayed with MeMe and Grandad.
Carleigh loves her car MeMe and Grandad gave her for her birthday and doesn't let anyone in it...especially her brothers. She thinks she is so big now with all her "girl toys".