After this past week of cold weather eveybody was so glad to get out and play today. Hunter had his friend that just moved out of the neighborhood come home from school so the whole gang was here. We had an ice cream party and played until dark... so much fun. Anna Kate and Lauren came over also and so the girls played in the front and the boys in the back. Of course the kids were exhausted tonight so bedtime was not a problem.
oh my, how she is changing every day, she is growing up way too fast and during my most crazy semester, hope to spend some quality time with u all next week during my spring break, ttyl, love ya, aunt sara
opps, wrong blog, but how crazy your place must be, soo glad the weather is getting warmer so ur kids can run around outside, loved getting to see you all the other day, hope to see u next week during my spring break, love ya, your babysitter and friend, sara
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